The spaces in between

And now for something a little different. I enjoy the between spaces, that hazy time between sleeping and waking, standing over a threshold in winter when the inside is toasty warm and the outside is chilly and cold, the gaps between your fingers when you stop holding someone's hand and the phantom digits that sit there. These photos are from an in-between space. The space between two very different photoshoots - when makeup was simultaneously both half on and half off, where a costume was being worn beneath a giant blue shirt. 

While Sparrow was transitioning Nadine from her Fawn look to her Angel look, there was a glorious tousled in-between moment and I had to capture it. This was completely impromptu and I love it. As soon as I shot the images, I knew they had to be black and white, contrasty and so they are. 

There's something very intriguing about the in-between.