The greater your shadow becomes
“The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes.”
I'm not much of a gamer. I have random bursts of obsessively playing things and then I stop and play nothing for months and months and months. But sometimes you find a game that plants itself in your heart and never leaves. This is a homage to that game (and its sequels).
These images were created for the April monthly theme in Adam Bird's Surreal Photography group on Facebook. They weren't at all what I was originally planning to do, both rain and incredibly bright sunlight having scuppered my plans but I am so glad that I saw one of my keys sat on the side, and my key shirt in the wardrobe, and this idea crept out of the shadows. (See what I did there?)
I like a challenge and these photos were a challenge. They're not perfect but they allowed me to learn and that's something I never want to stop doing. I want to constantly challenge myself to try new things and step out of my comfort zone, even if it's only teeny tiny toe-steps.
This shoot took place in my bedroom using a desk lamp and a lot of faith, and hope, and begging the photography gods to let this work in exchange for more shoots and wilder, more fantastical concepts. The photography gods begrudgingly accepted my soon-to-be but no-quite-yet creative offerings and so these images came to life.