The Mourning of Peregrine Carter

And death shall have no dominion.

When Sparrow asks to you bring something black and moody to wear, you know you're going to end up creating something wonderful. I am not lying when I say I wish I could look like this every single day. 

We almost didn't do this shoot. 

May 26th was a day of many photoshoots, I think the final count was 8 and this was the very last. (You will be seeing more soon, and believe me, it's magical.) We'd got home from our day on location, taken a few more images and then deflated. We weren't expecting this tiny little second wind. 

We made the most of the blue hour and the deep reddish purple foliage in Sparrow's garden, with Sparrow balanced on a chair (nearly falling off when I muttered: "But what they don't know... is that I killed him." with a little smirk) shooting and me trying my best to look sombre in her makeup and styling. 

I love everything about these images, from the tones which I don't think I've ever used before, to the angles, to the fact that Sparrow can read my mind before I've had the thought to begin with.

This day was so creatively satisfying and would not have been at all possible without Sparrow, who put so much work into every single shoot. This whole day is etched into my brain as a love song for a Sparrow. A very specific Sparrow.