And if you need me, I’ll be Dreaming
The day I took this photo, I slept longer than I intended to. The day before I got up very early, drove a lot and got back very late. It's apt that this was the photograph I had planned for a day on which I would be so tired.
I had three plans for this image, and I had intended to edit all three but in the end, I didn't need to. I wasn't expecting it to work straight away. I also wasn't expecting the cat to join in. See his little ear in the corner? It turns out he was in every photograph I took.
And that makes me very happy.
I pulled these PJs out from hiding in my childhood bedroom at my parents' house, in which everything seems a lot smaller than it used to. (Even the stairs.) I have a feeling you might be seeing these pyjamas a little more often. They once adventured with me across the streets of Oxford in the snow, beneath a black coat, paired with a purple hat that I still wear today and purple Doc Martens which sadly do not fit anymore. Beneath those, some fluffy socks. You never get quite as many stares as when you walk through Oxford city centre really early on a snowy morning in your PJs.
It's about time they adventured with me again.